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GNLD Neolife Lecithin supplement

Regular Price   $40.45
Member Price   $34.40
GNLD Neolife Lecithin supplement

Best lecithin Supplement for your health. You should see results in a short period of time.

GNLD Neolife Lecithin


Lecithin contains high concentrations of two nutrients — phosphatidyl choline and phosphatidyl inositol — which support primary brain functions. GNLD’s Lecithin provides these critical phospholipid “building blocks” necessary for optimum functioning of cells and nerve tissue.   


Why Lecithin? 

 Lecithin has been given the name ''brain food'' because of its high concentration of phosphatidyl choline, which supports primary brain functions including memory, thought, and muscular control.

■ Phosphatidyl choline is a biological precursor to acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter within the brain. 

 Acetylcholine is so critical to healthy brain function and cell membrane chemistry that if sufficient choline is not provided through diet, the body will ''cannibalize'' body tissue and extract the choline or choline building blocks needed.

■ Phosphatidyl inositol, another component of lecithin, supports the structure of nerve cells and helps nerves transmit signals.

■ Lecithin’s unique chemistry allows it to emulsify or disperse lipids (fats, oils) in water. In the body, lecithin contributes to lipotropic factors in the bloodstream. In water based blood serum, choline and inositol aid in the stabilization of blood lipids, helping to keep them dispersed evenly in the blood. These lipotropic capabilities have given leicithin reputation as an ''anti cholestrol'' nutrient. 

■ Lecithin’semulsifying capabilities also support better nutrient absorption in the digestive tract. 


Why GNLD Lecithin? 

 Developed using the same leading-edge lipid technology used to produce GNLD’s Formula IV, fish oil supplements, and “water-miscible” vitamins.

■ The inositol in GNLD’s Lecithin is 100% myo-inositol (“muscle sugar”), the biologically active form.

Each serving contains 1,200 mg of pure soybean phospholipid, the purest and most concentrated rawmaterial available. This pure leicithin consists of active phospholipids choline (175 mg) and inositol (100 mg), the two most important dietary contributors of lipotropic factors and involved in nerve transmission.

■ Added magnesium, wheat germ oil, and natural vitamin E help boost nutrient potency, improve stability, and prevent oxidation.  

Best lecithin Supplement for your health. GNLD neolife delivers results you can see and feel.


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SKU   3540S
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