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Best Vitamins and Supplements for Summer
July 10th, 2017 at 10:00 am
The winter months can wreak havoc on your immune system.  To compensate for weakened immunity, you often take a heftier dose of vitamins and supplements.  But did you know that you could be suffering from other vitamin deficiencies in the summer as well?  As we enter into these first few weeks of summer, keep in mind that your body will be working overtime to stay healthy with the heat and extra sun exposure.  Let's go over a few essential vitamins and supplements that we should all be consuming to keep our body functioning at its best these next few months:
Vitamin C is one of the most commonly found vitamins in fruits and vegetables, and readily absorbed into the body with supplements as well.   It is water soluble, meaning it dissolves in water and is excreted in urine.  This is why you should consume a vitamin C supplement and eat vitamin C rich foods every single day.  Whatever isn't used in the body will be flushed out, not stored for later use.
The benefits of this antioxidant are extensive, but for the summer, vitamin C can help your body cope with the increased sun exposure.  Vitamin C has potent anti-aging properties as it aids in collagen production and can defuse harmful free radicals on the skin.  This is one of the many reasons why people who suffer from acne or skin breakouts should be consuming healthy amounts of vitamin C. 
Excess sun exposure and harsh UV rays can cause painful sometimes dangerous sunburns.  Vitamin C can actually help prevent sunburns, as it has the potential to increase the survival rate of skin cells exposed to UV rays.  When taken in addition with plenty of sunscreen, you have the potential of warding off painful sunburns this summer. 



Vitamin E is another antioxidant known for its powerful anti-aging properties.  However, unlike vitamin C, vitamin E is fat-soluble, meaning it can be stored in our body's fat cells for later use.  It is not excreted as quickly as vitamin C.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant with the ability to neutralize harmful free radicals.  Sun exposure can actually reduce levels of vitamin E in the skin.  Excess sun, overexertion, and hot temperatures can cause inflammation in the body.  Vitamin E has the power of reducing that inflammation as well as helping the skin recover from stress caused by the sun or heat.
Lastly, vitamin E has been shown to be an important factor in heart health, eye related conditions, and brain function.
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Long sultry summer days can cause you to feel low energy.  Consider helping boost your energy naturally with vitamin B12 and folate, especially if you are anemic or strictly vegetarian, as the most common whole food source of vitamin B12 is from animal products.
B vitamins play a crucial role in our metabolism, as they help turn the food we eat into useable energy.  Folate and vitamin B6 are especially helpful in reducing the risk of heart disease for both men and women. 
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Vitamin D, which although is commonly thought to be deficient only in the wintertime from reduced sun exposure and shorter day lengths, in some areas with humid summers, instances of vitamin D deficiency can be just as high as they were in winter.
Vitamin D is equally important in aiding in your immune health as vitamin C.  Vitamin D is also important for calcium absorption resulting in strong bones and healthy teeth.  However, if you are diligent about applying sunscreen, especially on the larger areas of sun exposed skin such as your arms and legs, there's a good chance you're not allowing your body to absorb enough sunlight and produce vitamin D.  Taking a supplement can help, as for many people, the risk of sun damage greatly outweighs the risk of slightly lowered vitamin D levels.

So lather up with the sunscreen, take your daily vitamins, and enjoy the sunshine this summer!

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