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Stabilizing Blood Sugar with Natural Ingredients
September 20th, 2017 at 8:11 am
GNLD Neolife Best vitamins For All
Stabilizing Blood Sugar with Natural Ingredients
“Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be the food”
What do cinnamon, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar all have in common?  Besides being delicious additions to a number of dishes, they all have the power to stabilize high blood sugar, naturally.
Many doctors want you to believe that if you suffer from high blood sugar, and diabetes even, that the only cure is through intense insulin treatments which can be full of hidden chemicals, and causes an undue amount of stress, especially in these tumultuous times.
Whole food nutrition and key nutrient supplements can actually reverse diabetes.  Type one and type two.  These are not just wild claims, they are results of highly conclusive research.  What some may consider to be “Alternative medicine”, natural healing, or healing the body with whole food nutrition, is not a new idea.  In fact, it used to be the only idea.  So while we're on the topic of healing the body with whole food nutrition, let's start with arguably one of the most potent superfoods, turmeric.
This powerful spice can work wonders for your liver (as well as other organs too, of course).  A compound of turmeric, curcumin, which gives turmeric its lively yellow color, has been shown to actually reverse damage done to the liver and pancreas.  The study which was published in Diabetology & Metabolic Syndrome, and has led researchers to make the powerful claim that curcumin “possesses antidiabetic actions and enhanced pancreatic islets regeneration." (Abdel Aziz, et al. 2013).  Over time, turmeric and more specifically its derivative curcumin can actually reverse the once believed to be irreversible disease.
Not all cinnamon is created equal, unfortunately.  As such, ensure you are buying true cinnamon, or the variety called Cinnamon Verum.  Other varieties of cinnamon may not be as effective, and if consumed in large quantities, can even have harmful blood-thinning effects.
However, if you can find cinnamon verum, and take up to a healthy recommended dose, the health benefits of cinnamon bark are astounding.
In particular, cinnamon has some extensive research proving its effectiveness in combating the effects of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes by improving fasting blood sugar and suppressing post meal sugar elevations, among other things.
Apple Cider Vinegar
In a study conducted by Arizona State University, researchers found that subjects who ingested just 20 grams of apple cider vinegar (that's just about half of a shot glass, a little less) before a meal showed a marked improvement in insulin sensitivity among diabetic and non-diabetic patients alike.  The dramatic sugar spikes that are normally seen after eating were significantly reduced.  The diabetic patients who were in the study were additionally not taking ANY other diabetic medication or supplements.  The results were only for the effects of apple cider vinegar taken before a meal.
What makes vinegar so bitter is the acetic acid.  The acetic acid found in apple cider vinegar is what contributes to its powerful insulin sensitivity reducing effects.
In addition to eating a range of healthy foods, including the incorporation of herbs and spices into your meals, supplementing with high quality supplements, such as Neolife's Glucose Balance, will also help reverse the effects of diabetes.  Glucose Balance contains many of the powerful substances mentioned above, using only the finest and most natural sources.  There are no additives, sugars, or dyes used in any of Neolife's products.  Glucose Balance will ultimately help your body's defenses by helping manage glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity.  It is recommended to take before your largest meals, twice a day.

 glucose balance

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